No Toxicity Allowed
When we make changes for ourselves, like choosing to lose weight, there can be a lot of backlash from our family, friendships, and relationships. This journey of choosing to lose weight is a battle within itself, so why fight with people who are negative on purpose just to throw your focus off. As much as we want to ignore this, as women who are involved, we get a lot of backlash from our significant others. Let's talk about this for a second.
Many of our significant others love us the way we are because this is what they are used to, and it's what they are "attracted to." But sometimes, they are afraid of those changes that may come with it. Feeling sexier and more confident, self-esteem shooting through the roof, wearing less clothing, etc. Many spouses don't want that type of change due to fear of divorce, separation, possible infidelity, etc. All of these things are going through their heads, but not understanding that losing weight will boost their confidence. Still, the internal feeling of weighing less, carrying less weight around, feeling healthier overall is the ultimate goal. So now you have the jealousy kicking in. oh man!!!. Verbally, this is going to sound like a lot of negativity and "why would you want to change?" and tons of gaslighting moments where they will make you feel bad for wanting to do better for yourself all because their ego can't take this new lifestyle of yours. Let's not forget how judgemental your family can be. Your cousins will make their smart comments on why now, your mom will try to tell you that it won't last, and your dad may not care either way. So you will feel like you have no support and that you shouldn't even bother, right? WRONG!!!
Sometimes, when announcing your journey to family members who are also struggling with weight can be hard because they won't understand why you are choosing to change. Something that can help is sitting down with your immediate family and discussing your plans and your goals to help them understand better.
When dealing with friends, especially female friends, there can be a little jealousy between you all and maybe a little distance as you transform physically and mentally. But just as you would a family member, talk to your friends and explain your goals, hell invite them to workout with you. Build your support system as you will absolutely need it. Some people are not going to be happy for you, and guess what... THAT'S OK!!!