Losing it and Keeping it off!
Literally every year, on January 1st, we always talk about how we want to lose weight, and this will be our New Year's Resolution. The worse lie we tell ourselves every single year. There are so many products out there claiming to give you miracles. Anything that sounds too good is usually too good.
A healthy diet consists of lean protein meats, veggies, whole grains, and healthy starches (remember moderation). If you want to keep off the weight, here are a few things that can get you started:
Add more veggies to your diet
Make exercising a daily routine
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
Avoid empty calories (soda, fruit juice, energy drinks)
Cut back on portions
Start a food log (keep up with your caloric intake)
Get your family and friends on board for support
Set goals a little at a time (realistically)
Remember not to set goals that you know you can't achieve at that time. When you set goals that are not achievable, you tend to go back to old habits, and your journey will become a rollercoaster.
Eliminate food groups
Consume different weight loss supplements
Put off your workouts
Cheat your water intake
Clean colon frequently