
So this is very important when changing your food lifestyle. Let's get down to what these things mean, shall we?

Total carbs = all starches, dietary fiber, and sugar

Net carb = are carbs that the body can digest into glucose

In its simplest form: Total Carbs- Fiber- Sugar Alcohols= NET CARBS

Some people choose low-carb lifestyles because they are very effective in weight loss. This lifestyle restricts your intake of sugars and starches and replaces them with healthy fats, proteins, and vegetables.

Great News!!

A low-carb lifestyle doesn't just help you lose weight; it helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar and balances your cholesterol. Amazing right?

So what is a low-carb lifestyle?

The truth is: There will never be one definition because what is low carb to me may not be low carb to you. Why? A person's optimal carb intake is based on their gender, age, body composition, current metabolic health, and other factors. 

So focus on healthy carbs like:

  • Barley

  • Legumes

  • Whole grains

  • Black beans

  • Quinoa

  • Spinach

And this is just to name a few

Are you ready to switch up to better alternatives?


Weight fluctuation truths!


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